Wednesday, August 26, 2020
W4As Premier Kayak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
W4As Premier Kayak - Essay Example In that capacity, the wasteful aspects in past booking and reservations framework required structuring another model which would address the revealed holes. The model was noted to give access to a precise calendar of booked clients who previously paid and the data is given to significant faculty at Premier Kayak to empower staff individuals, particularly visit guides, to offer the required assistance. The model along these lines forestalls overbooking and guarantees precision in reserving a spot for booked visits just in characterized number of kayaks at a specific accessible date and time. The key developments that Premier Kayak’s reservation framework which abstained from reserving the spot framework a difficult procedure to clients remembered characterizing the accessible spaces for the kayaks for a specific day, time, and area to forestall overbooking. In like manner, just clients who affirmed reservations through installments made online would be affirmed for the kayak visits. What's more, these timetables have characterized visit guides who could get to the data and keep the reservations made. In that capacity, the reservation framework, which is accessible and available to clients and workers, would abstain from overbooking or the requirement for rescheduling. This forestalled discounting clients because of inaccessible visit aides or absence of kayaks at favored booking dates. The new technique additionally forestalled fighting with furious clients or the need to make discounts. By and large, the framework improved Premier Kayak’s picture as a solid and reliable association in their field of try. The assessment strategy that is prescribed to verify that the developments proceed true to form is through client criticism reviews (Foot, 2013). The study would assemble data relevant to the customers’ fulfillment on administrations rendered by Premier Kayak. Moreover, the 360 degree appraisal is another assessment apparatus that requests data from different
Saturday, August 22, 2020
AMMONIUM NITRATE Essay Example For Students
AMMONIUM NITRATE Essay SCIENCE REPORTAMMONIUM NITRATENH4NO3ProblemOur task was to explore what the ideal proportion of solute to dissolvable that will deliver the most extreme cooling/warming effect?HypothesisWith a littler amount of water (50mls) and a similar measure of Ammonium Nitrate included. After any timeframe the blend will be a cooler temperature than that of a blend with a bigger amount of water. Variables,XWater,XTeaspoons,XTime,XAmmonium Nitrate,XThermometer,XStirring (utilized thermometer),Changed/Uncontrolled Variables-The measure of times the blend was mixed. We blended the blend until the Ammonium Nitrate was broken up, so the measure of times we mixed after every teaspoon was unique. - Each teaspoon might not have been equivalent. Estimations were made dependent on judgment and not definite estimations. ,Controlled Variables-Amount of water utilized in each test was equivalent (100mls and 50mls). - Total measure of Ammonium Nitrate utilized (150grams). - Temperature was estimated after and specific time for example 1 moment, 2 minutes, 3 minutes. EquipmentTrial test,X1 thermometer,X1 plastic teaspoon,XSafety glasses,X100ml beaker,X30mls of water,X1 teaspoon of Ammonium Nitrate,X1 graduated cylinder,X1 blending rodFirst Test,X1 thermometer,X1 plastic teaspoon,X1 stop watch,X1 mixing rod,XSafety glasses X3 (one for each gathering member),X250ml beaker,X1 graduated cylinder,X150 grams of Ammonium Nitrate,X100mls of waterSecond Test,X1 thermometer,X1 plastic teaspoon,X1 stop watch,X1 mixing rod,XSafety glasses X3 (one for each gathering member),X100ml beaker,X1 graduated cylinder,Xleftover from unique 150 grams of Ammonium Nitrate,X50mls of waterNOTE: The mixing pole was not utilized in the First and Second examinations, as it was not accessible. A substitute we utilized the thermometer. MethodsTrial TestIn a 100ml measuring utencil 30mls of water was set the temperature of the water was recorded. 1 teaspoon of Ammonium Nitrate was added to the water and blended until broke down. The temperature was then recorded once more. This was to see the contrast between the underlying temperature and the last temperature. First TestIn a 250ml recepticle place 100mls of water, measure the temperature of the water and record this underlying temperature onto a table. Set the clock and include one teaspoon of Ammonium Nitrate to the water, mix this constantly until the Ammonium Nitrate has broken up. Following brief measure the temperature and record it, do this for a further 2 minutes (3 minutes altogether). Rehash this procedure for an aggregate of 10 teaspoons. Second TestIn a 100ml recepticle place 50mls of water, measure the temperature of the water and record this underlying temperature onto a table. Set the clock and include one teaspoon of Ammonium Nitrate to the water, mix this constantly until the Ammonium Nitrate has broken up. Following brief measure the temperature and record it, do this for a further 2 minutes (3 minutes altogether). Rehash this procedure for a sum of 10 teaspoons. ConclusionAfter leading our endothermic trials we can demonstrate that with less measure of water and an equivalent measure of Ammonium Nitrate included, the last temperature will be cooler than if we utilized a bigger measure of water. In this manner, in principle, in the event that we utilized a bigger measure of water and included more teaspoons it will give the equivalent or comparable outcomes. This hypothesis should work in the event that it is done with respect to the first or second investigation.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Dual Enrollment and Challenging Coursework - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Dual Enrollment and Challenging Coursework - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Dual Enrollment and Challenging Coursework Every once in a while, the topic of dual enrollment (taking college classes while in high school) comes up on this blog. Every year, well over 1,500 of our freshman applicants will have some form of dual enrollment work, and most likely 700-900 freshmen will enroll with dual enrollment work. It ranges from 3 hours to 60+ hours of college work, from a variety of colleges, and a variety of courses taken. We are happy to work with students who have taken dual enrollment courses, and we look at this information when reviewing the rigor of an applicants schedule, as well as all of the dual enrollment details and grades during our file reading process. The most important thing I always focus on is that the student (and parents) should sit down with their guidance counselor and chart out a path that will challenge the student to the best of their ability. Is that taking the IB program in their school, taking Honors and AP courses, a mix of AP and dual enrollment, or if there are no advanced courses at the high school, focus on dual enrollment, etc. If you want to prepare yourself for college, and especially a competitive college like UGA, then you want to come in prepared to to the work. I sat in on a program for 8th grade parents last month that helped prepare students to register for 9th grade classes, and this same thought was stated as well by the school officials. We know the challenges of Honors and Gifted courses early on, and of AP/IB courses in the later years, as well as dual enrollment. For some students, AP courses are readily available and allow them to remain in their school throughout the day, and are a great s tepping stone to the challenge they will see in a college class. For others, their high school may have limited options in school, and a local college course is the best route. At UGA, I have seen several students who were beyond their HSs capacity in the math and foreign language areas, and UGA was a great option to fill this need. But I will say again, the choice of courses needs to reside in the students hands, not in UGAs. The only serious issue that I have seen with dual enrollment, especially if not taught on the college campus, is that a number of selective private colleges may not accept these courses as transfer work, but you would need to communicate with the colleges to which you are applying (or check their transfer equiv. charts). Now, when UGA calculates a high school GPA, we can use the applicants dual enrollment grades if the grades show up on the high school transcript, which most do. When we calculate a GPA, we are trying to get the best understanding of the students core grades as possible, but we also want to have as fair a process as possible in our review. When we add weight to a students grades, it is only for AP or IB grades, as these course are nationally and internationally standardized through the College Board and IB programs guidance. While we certainly look at Honors/Gifted/Accelerated/Dual Enrollment courses in our review of a students rigorous schedule, these courses are not standardized within a county or state, much less internationally. I have seen dual enrollment courses that range from Ivy League colleges to 2 year technical schools, and I have seen such a wide range of Honors courses to know that there is no nationally standardized basis for the coursework (again this year I saw an Hon ors PE course on a transcript). There have been a number of studies about students and challenging courses in high school (especially on AP courses), and the consensus is that a student is better prepared and has stronger college grades if they have taken advanced courses in high school. And the focus is generally not on the exam score of the course, but on the actual participation in challenging courses that has an impact on future grades. So challenge yourself now in high school, and you will be better prepared for the future. Go Dawgs!
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